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Arizona Flagstone Buff Select 1" - 2"
Arizona Flagstone Buff Select 1" - 2"
Arizona Flagstone Buff Select 1" - 2"
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Price Per Ton $449.00 Arizona quarry, low regional delivery rates
Inflation Fighter Sale $379.99
Savings: $69.01
Material Type: Quartzite Sandstone
Level Of Experience Required: Stone with less than 2" thickness, like this is best installed on a concrete or cement slab. These types installations require a lot of experience for best results.
Typical Time Required: Man Hours will vary according to volume of stone purchased, design and specifications.
Equipment Needed: Contractor grade wheelbarrow, or heavy duty upright dolly and basic masonry hand tools, masonry saw is helpful.
Additional Materials Needed: Pathway & Stepping Stone Setting - Decomposed granite or Class 1 Road Base, cement for pads, sand or mortar, if filling joints.

Quantity in Stock:250

Availability:: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Product Code: 106FSTSLT100X200

Description Material Transport Photos & Liability
Arizona Flagstone Buff Select 1" - 2"
Arizona Buff Flagstone Standup Regular Cut 1 to 2 inch thickness, these are the large premium sized sheets of flagstone also called Select. The 1 to 2 inch stone works well for patios, walkways and flooring installed on concrete or cement slab floor. Sandstone is used in many outdoor and indoor building projects. 120 to 140 sq feet per ton. It conforms to ASTM C515-85 Sandstone Building Stone, tech specs are Resistance to abrasions averages 11 Conforms to Type II Quartzitic Sandstone except Specific gravity is 140 lbs. Sandstone typically weighs approximately 12 lbs per inch of thickness, per square foot. Sandstone typically can absorb 3% of its weight in moisture if not sealed.

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Product Specifications and Uses
It conforms to ASTM C515-85 Sandstone Building Stone, tech specs are Resistance to abrasions averages 11 Conforms to Type II Quartzitic Sandstone except Specific gravity is 140 lbs. Sandstone typically weighs approximately 12 lbs per inch of thickness, per square foot. Sandstone typically can absorb 3% of its weight in moisture if not sealed.

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